Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Doing it Up Right.

It came to my attention that things are changing every day in my pursuit of life outside of Phoenix. We all spend so much time waiting for life to happen that, when we get to the end, we reflect less on what we did in the meantime, and more on the opportunities we were too busy to acknowledge and appreciate. It's that whole John Lennon quote kind-of thing, which I'm not going to put here because everyone's heard it a thousand times and this isn't an inspirational blog, and I am certainly not a motivational speaker.

I'm leaving at the end of the year. I'm leaving my family, my friends, the neighborhood I found myself in, the places that no longer strike me and have simply become a colorful backdrop in my day-to-day routine. I've spent a long time waiting to live, and now it's finally happening.

I don't want to forget this chapter of my life, nor do I want to let go of the characters who let me be a part of their stories. They shaped me into the person that I am today, for better and for worse. This blog exists to remind me of the thousands of steps that it's taken to get here, and the thousands of steps I have ahead of me.

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